Tech Coach Travels: SEL Across the District

The final installment of the Tech Coach Blog each month is a series called “Tech Coach Travels,” where we highlight inspirational teaching and learning that is happening all over the district. This month, we were on the hunt for Social Emotional Learning (SEL) activities. We are here to give you a sneak peak (and links to the activity resources - thank you teachers!) into five SEL activities that you can implement into your classes! Read about each activity below and if you’d like to check it out, click the button next to the description.

**Oh, and by the way, if you have an idea for the Tech Coach Travels next stop, let us know!**

Sue Nami and Jackie Schorr (HMS) incorporate Scavenger Hunt style brain breaks into their 8th grade Literacy classes. Their students enjoy the challenge of finding items that fit into the categories as much as they enjoy the break from learning.

Karen Randazzo (HHS) incorporates a different topic each day on her daily agenda slides to connect with her students.  For example, on Metacognition Monday she shares a helpful study tip and on Wonder Wednesday she shares resources to answer an “I wonder…” question.  

Amanda Colao (SUN) uses a 5-4-3-2-1 Google Form on Fridays for a quick check in with her students. Her students share highlights and successes from the week as well as a plan to make their weekends awesome. She uses the information she collects to make connections with her students  

The 4th Grade Team at WRS takes time each week for Thoughtful Thursday. During this time their students choose an SEL activity to complete.  Each month their SEL theme changes to reflect the character education pillars of the month.  

Lisa Caudill (AMS) checks in with her students after each weekend with a Mood Check Monday.  It’s a quick way to gauge how everyone is doing before they start the new week!

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