FlipTok Tech Tip Share Out: May Raffle

These days, there isn’t much you can’t learn on TikTok so for this month’s raffle we are going to FLIP things around and use a beloved tool to share some of our favorite EdTech hacks, tips, tricks, or programs.  Introducing our next crazy idea…FLIPTOK!

Click here to access our May Raffle FlipTok Flipgrid. Then, using some of the awesome video editing features in Flipgrid, please make a fun video sharing one of your favorite EdTech hacks, tips, tricks or programs. 

Not sure how to make an awesome FlipTok video using Flipgrid? Check out the GIFs below to learn how to incorporate a few Flipgrid features into your FlipTok.

Flipgrid ToolWhy You Might Use It

How To Use It

Drawing ToolTo add handwritten text or images to your video.

Adding Emojis/StickersTo create a more fun video.

Uploading a PictureTo show a screenshot or image which you can mark up with the other tools.

Adding TextTo add a title or additional information in your video.

Pause ButtonTo switch scenes seamlessly.

Recording Your ScreenTo show off your awesome FlipTok idea!

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