Do you find it distracting to verbally remind your students to stay on appropriate websites during class time? With the updated messages to Hapara Close Tabs, you can communicate with students without even speaking a word! If you’ve never used the Close Tab feature in Hapara, it gives teachers the ability to close off-task browser tabs on a student’s chromebook. Recently, Hapara has updated this feature to require teachers to select a “reason for closing” to the students. The reason shows as a message on the student’s screen. “This feature provides students with more context as to why their tab is being closed. Data shows that providing a reason for closing a tab reduces the likelihood that students will repeat the off-task behavior. The goal is to help students make positive decisions online and become responsible digital citizens.” (Hapara) Very soon, when closing a student tab in Hapara you will see these three messages as choices: 1. Please make sure you are working on the class activity. Thank you! 🙂
2. You have received multiple reminders to stay on task. 😒 Please make sure you are working on the class activity.
3. I see that you are working on an assignment for another class, please refocus your attention on the activity for this class. 😥 However, we have room for ONE MORE! Do you have an idea for a message appropriate for K-12 to fill the final slot? Submit your idea here by 11/23.You know we love prizes so anyone that submits an idea for a message will be entered into our November Raffle! 🎉