Phishing Report for the District (2023 - Marking Period 1)


As we enter Year 3 of utilizing the KnowBe4 platform it is exciting to see that staff continue to get better at recognizing potential phishing attempts. We typically see a spike of clicks when the school year first starts, but then we settle back into our almost foolproof ways. Way to go, everyone - keep being vigilant!

The champs also continue to dominate as once again Woodfern has the lowest click percentage of all of our schools. Of the 232 sample phishing attempts sent to Woodfern staff, only ONE was clicked on! That is an incredible 0.43% click rate. Amsterdam was closest at just under 1% (0.96%), while HMS staff performed the best of the big schools (1.31%) when compared to ARS (2.96%) and HHS (2.30%). Dr. Kerrigan, it may be time to order that trophy case!

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