They did it again! Woodfern staff received just over 200 sample phishing emails in Marking Period 3 and only ONE was clicked on! Dr. Kerrigan, should we just have the next batch of trophies we order from Amazon sent directly to your school? Woods Road came in second with a 1.13% click percentage and the Middle School was close behind with a 1.20% click percentage rate.
Speaking of the Middle School, HMS staff members had the highest percentage of reporting sample phishing emails. They correctly reported 29.73% of KnowBe4 phishing attempts by clicking on the Phishing icon in Gmail. Auten Road and the High School were next at 26.44% and 26.22%, respectively. We don't have a trophy for this yet, but we are working on it for next year :)
Great work everyone, keep up the good work and finish strong in the 4th Marking Period!